1. Protect against and reduce the likelihood or impact of disruptions.
  2. Prepare for, respond to, and recover from disruptions.


MIPCO management is committed to

  1. Achieving the purpose of the NCEMA 7000:2021
  2. Satisfying the needs and expectations of its interested parties
  3. Meeting in full, the requirements of NCEMA 7000:2021 standard


Key aspects of Business Continuity arrangements at MIPCO include:

  • Identifying the context of the organization, all interested parties needs and expectations, and their attitude to the risks and effectively controlling them.
  • Ensuring BCM policies and procedures are in place with control of the documentation in compliance with the NCEMA 7000:2021 and reviewing them periodically for adequacy.
  • Establishing BCM objectives and targets relevant to the scope of the business and conducting periodic monitoring and review.
  • Providing support by ensuring resources such as people, external providers, and other necessary resources are available.
  • Ensuring the changes are reviewed and managed to ensure the objectives are met.
  • Ensuring adequate planning on BCMS operations by completing business impact analysis, risk assessment, and establishing continuity strategies.
  • Identifying relevant disruptions and ensuring the responses are planned with effective exercise and testing strategies.
  • Ensuring the necessary competencies, training, and awareness on BCMS matters for all relevant personnel.
  • Monitor and measure the effectiveness of the business continuity management system periodically.
  • Ensuring compliance through periodic audits and follow-up on the findings to ensure closure.
  • Track all nonconformances identified and effectively close them with corrective actions.
  • Ensuring periodic review of the business continuity management system to ensure effective control.